

Head to Belize with Chris Morgan

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Whether relaxing at home or taking a walk enjoying the outdoors, travel to Belize with your ears. Our favorite podcaster, Chris Morgan, investigates and learns about scarlet macaws and jaguars, exploring the landscape of their habitats.  Meet some wonderful locals and hear how they are working hard to save these iconic species in this tiny, beautiful country. Trust us, his podcasts are always a good listen and it is the next best thing to being there.  NTOTA is proud to be a sponsor that helps make Chris’ podcasts possible.

You are just a simple click away from being transported to a favorite place…. Listen now by clicking below.






NTOTA backs Great Hammerhead Short Film

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Featuring the work of Dr. Catherine MacDonald and Dr. Julia Wester, NTOTA is producing a film exploring the very probable Great Hammerhead nursery just miles from South Beach, Miami.  The woman-led research team  explains their recent discoveries, research, and the next steps to preserve a shark nursery.  Catherine and Julia also run Field School, cultivating the next generation of marine conservationists.  The amazing conservation efforts of the Field School team incorporates research, protection and education.

Click here to look at the informational hammerhead brochure highlighting some details of the cause!

Please donate to support the protection of hammerhead sharks. Substantial donations to this cause come with great thank-you presents… Contact Mark@ntota.org or Rebecca@ntota.org for more details!

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Saving Jaguars: Good for Business

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NTOTA is proud to have collaborated with Mario Haberfield and his team at Oncafari to produce a short film to help people understand the amazing work taking place to protect jaguars in the Pantanal of Brazil.  We hope other organizations, groups and countries will view this film and see how to combine care of the planet, the animals that live there, and an ecotourism business that benefits local communities. Please watch and share! Thanks!


For more information about the jaguars of Oncafari, please visit:  Projecto Oncafari.


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NTOTA Camera Trap for Path of the Panther in the FL Everglades

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Path of the Panther is a call to action film project to bring awareness to and protect the ever shrinking undeveloped land needed by the Florida panthers to survive.  Florida’s human population is growing by 1000 people per day. The Florida Wildlife Corridor, without protection, will be obliterated by the suburban sprawl that is projected to consume 5 million acres of wildlife habitat by 2070. A donation to Path of the Panther will help the work of scientists with landowners to reveal areas for land protection and wildlife crossings needed to keep the Everglades intact and save the future of wild Florida.  NTOTA is proud to have helped the cause by purchasing a camera trap to collect additional footage and information about the panther population.

To donate to Path of the Panther directly, please click here.

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