Ziggy the Orphaned Ocelot Successfully Released into the Wild

NTOTA is thrilled to announce that the Re-Wilding of orphaned baby ocelot, Ziggy, has been completed with her release into the wild.  Her first tentative steps into this big, wild world are captured in some video below.  If you watch all the way through, she is cautious at first, and even doubles back into her holding crate for a few seconds.  But then she gathers her courage, and I would imagine her instincts kick in.  She glides confidently away from the crate and into the brush.


To think just about a year ago she started off here:

We will look forward to bringing you some updates about Ziggy’s whereabouts for the next year, as her Radio GPS collar give us a glimpse into her travails.  Until then, I am sure you will join us in wishing Ziggy the best of luck as she finds her way, in the wild where she belongs.  Good luck, Ziggy!


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