NTOTA Helps FCD Build a New Website

Even the best websites need a refresh now and again.  And when you are expanding your efforts to reach and involve more people than ever before, you need a website to help you do that, too!


NTOTA understands completely and is grateful to be able to assist FCD with their desire to have a website that serves their needs AND the needs of Belizean and world citizens both.  FCD is an incredible organization that primarily works to conserve and protect the Chiquibul National Park.  The work is long and hard, but the payoff in saving one of the last 0ld-growth forest from destruction is priceless.  Building a better website is another piece of the puzzle to helping them on this journey.  Expected date of completion is June, 2023.  We hope you’ll check it out!


(And we know this picture has nothing to do with building a website, but it is members of the FCD team doing their job… and the view is better than a photo of a computer screen…. you’re welcome!)

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