First Jaguars, Now Pumas… Groundbreaking work with Oncafari


NTOTA makes its annual contribution to the work of Oncafari.  This year we are even more excited than usual as our donation feels extra special.

Here is a note explaining the difference we are making, from Oncafari founder, Mario Haberfeld:

“Cacau is a puma that spent five years in an 8 square meters enclosure at CRAS (A Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center). Moved by the situation that Cacau was in, Onçafari with the support of NTOTA, decided to try to give her a second chance: To be Free again. As she met all the prerequisites for the first steps of the re-wilding process, we brought her to our re-wilding center in the Pantanal to start leading her to a new life in the wild.

With NTOTA’s help, we will have the necessary resources for the entire process, from now until the moment when Cacau is released and beyond: anesthetics for captures and exams, protein-rich food while she does not hunt live prey, all the necessary staff, camera traps and, of course, a radio-collar with GPS so we can monitor her post-release.

Despite having re-wilded 4 Jaguars already, this is the first time Onçafari attempts to re-wild a Puma. We are excited by this new challenge and grateful for NTOTA’s help in this process.”

NTOTA is proud to be a supporter of Oncafari’s groundbreaking efforts.

Meet the whole team and the cat family at

Follow them on Instagram @oncafari

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