
Remember 100% of your donation goes directly through NTOTA to the cause, enabling us to keep track and give you feedback on your donation.

The Nature Trust of the Americas has been recognized by the IRS as exempt from income taxation under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) (EIN: 83-2161645).  Your contribution may be deductible as permitted by law – please consult your tax advisor for more information. For donors in other countries, please refer to your local regulations.

NTOTA has done due diligence on our partners and will continue to do so to ensure that donations are used towards the conservation of wildlife and their habitats.  If you are keen to find out more about any of our supported projects, please just get in touch to speak to one of our team or call them directly…they are nice, but busy protecting our planet so you may need to be patient.

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  supports the following environmental causes: