NTOTA Videos

Saving Jaguars: Good For Business

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Mario Haberfeld

Founder of Oncafari


Mario Haberfeld is a retired Brazilian racecar driver that has raced for almost 20 years. In his career he has won many championships from Go Karts to Formula 3. He was a test driver for Jordan’s, Stewart’s and McLaren’s Formula 1 Teams. In the United States he has driven for some of the best Indy Car Teams.

He visited Africa for the first time when he was only 11 years old and still visits that continent every year in search of the best ecotourism practices.

After retiring from motor racing, and being a huge nature lover, he has traveled the four corners of the World photographing wild animals and learning about various conservation projects. These projects where used as references for the creation of a groundbreaking Jaguar conservation project in his native Brazil.

In 2011 he completed the OPM course at Harvard Business School and Co-Founded Onçafari Jaguar Project that aims to create jobs for local communities, increase value of protected land, preserve the Pantanal and its species through ecotourism. Through its seven years of existence Onçafari has grown a lot and now has projects in four different biomes of Brazil.

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